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Jim2® Business Engine Help File

Navigation: Jim2 Functions > CardFiles

Deactivate a CardFile

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To remove a cardfile from a list, edit the cardfile and untick Active. This applies to customers, vendors and users.


remove cardfile


This will remove them from any active lists, but it will not remove them from the database.



To view an inactive cardfile, run a CardFile List and untick Active (as in above image). This will produce a list of all inactive cardfiles.


If card code is known, go to CardFiles > View/Edit CardFile on the ribbon, enter the card code and untick Active.


untick active


If there have been no transactions against the cardfile, run a CardFile List and enter the Card# for the cardfile in question


delete cf


To remove the cardfile, right click on the cardfile in the list and select Delete Current CardFile. If there have been transactions against the cardfile, it will be marked is Inactive and placed in a pending cardfile merge/delete list, which can be accessed on the ribbon via CardFiles > Merge CardFiles, however the cardfile cannot be deleted.