Add a Document

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Please see here for adding a document within Jim2Cloud, as the process is different to what is stated here.




The following explains how to add a document to objects, ie. cardfile, job, quote, Item, purchase/expense, stock record.


Add a new document in a number of ways:

Add Document from File – enables a user to add a document to Jim2 from their local or network drive.

Add External Document – enables a user to add a document to Jim2, which is saved to a place external to Jim2. This functionality is great for linking images stored online.

Add Document From Clipboard – enables a user to add a document from the device's clipboard, which is particularly useful where they are unable to access documents from a local/network drive.


Note: You can also select multiple files to copy and paste at the same time. If you do not wish to link them to an object, they will appear in the Root directory of Documents within Jim2.

Drag and drop a document (file) directly onto Jim2. This can be performed from most screens, including job, quote, Jim2 email, etc. In email, you can drag attached documents/images directly onto the Comment section of the object you have open and it will be added to the Documents tab. You can then view the document in the preview pane. This is handy in instances where you have received an invoice from a vendor and would like to validate it against the actual purchase order.


Drag and drop does not work in Jim2Cloud. Please see here for the correct ways to add documents in Jim2Cloud.


Once an option has been selected, users will complete the document details, including choosing a folder, category, tags, usage, etc.



To ensure the document appears in the correct folder, select Root, select the sub-folder, then choose further sub-folders until the correct folder is selected.




To complete the process, click OK.



Above image shows the screen that opens when dragging and dropping a file


A new document will be created, and allocated a unique document number (Doc#).


Documents can be loaded from a file, or can point to an external file or website (tick Link to file only (Do not upload file to database), or both. In the case of both, the file is available for viewing and maintaining within Jim2, with a copy stored externally, located via the URL.


hmtoggle_arrow1Load from file


hmtoggle_arrow1Load from URL


hmtoggle_arrow1Copy and paste


hmtoggle_arrow1Add a single document via drag & drop


hmtoggle_arrow1Add multiple documents via drag & drop


hmtoggle_arrow1Drag and drop and linking


hmtoggle_arrow1Drag and drop onto a document


hmtoggle_arrow1Drag and drop from other programs


hmtoggle_arrow1Add a Document From a Jim2 email


hmtoggle_arrow1Bulk link documents to stock report


hmtoggle_arrow1Link to an external file


hmtoggle_arrow1Duplicate documents



Since all documents are stored within the Jim2 database, the Jim2 backup file size will increase accordingly. See Database Size Maintenance for more information.


Further information

Document Security

Documents and Objects

Document Lists

Document Preview

Document Status

Folders, Tags and Categories

Hidden Documents

OneDrive and Sharepoint Integration

Tabs in the Footer

Version Control

Add or Link Existing Document

Check Out/In a Document