Back up and Restore Database

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The following explains how to back up a database and also how to restore a database.



Accounts DB Only will back up only the Accounts database file, and does not do a backup of the Document database file (which stores Jim2 Email and Documents). The Accounts DB is obviously a much smaller file.



The Jim2 database is re-indexed each time a backup is performed.


hmtoggle_arrow1Back up the current database


hmtoggle_arrow1Restore database


hmtoggle_arrow1Restore Accounts Database Only


Further information

Connecting to Jim2 Server

Change the Name of Your Database

Create Training Database

Database Maintenance

Import Email

Jim2 Server Console Authentication



Move Jim2 Database to a New Location

Move Jim2 to a New Server

Move Jim2 to New SQL Instance on Same Server

Next Object #

Change Next Object Number


Remove an Old Database


Scheduled Backup


Set up eBusiness Supply

Update Your Licence