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This tab is used to set starting numbers for various Jim2 objects. For example, use this to start invoice numbering at a particular number.



Note: For EKM users, there will be an object number for the EKMRequestThresholdOverride. This is required for EKM integration. This number should never be altered.




Once a starting number has been set, it cannot be set to a smaller value.


Normally, this tab is only used during the initial setup of Jim2.


Suggested Starting Numbers:

Quote 300,000

Job 400,000

Invoice 500,000

Purchase Order 600,000

RFC 70,000

RTV 80,000



Note: There is no issue with the numbers continuing, nor if the numbers roll into the same numbers as another object. The number sequences are in different tables, so they don't cause any issues if they share the same numbers.


Further information

Change the Name of Your Database

Change Next Object Number

Create a Training Database

How to Update Your Licence

Move Jim2 Database to a New Location

Move Jim2 to a New SQL Instance on the Same Server

Move Jim2 to a New Server

Remove an Old Database

Set up eBusiness Supply

What to do if Backup Drive is Full


Connecting to Jim2 Server

Database Maintenance

Import Email

Jim2 Server Console Authentication



Next Object #



Scheduled Backup


Update Licence