Move Jim2 to a New Server

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The following procedure assumes a basic knowledge of the Windows operating system, Jim2 Client and the Jim2 Server Console.


Please be sure to take note of the Install checklist first.


hmtoggle_arrow1Install checklist






hmtoggle_arrow1Setting up a Windows Firewall for access to SQL server and Jim2 server


hmtoggle_arrow1Anti-Virus exclusions


hmtoggle_arrow1Server folders (include sub folders)


hmtoggle_arrow1Desktop folders (include sub folders)


hmtoggle_arrow1Terminal server folders (include sub folders)


hmtoggle_arrow1Server files (trusted applications)


hmtoggle_arrow1Desktop files (trusted applications)


hmtoggle_arrow1Terminal server files (trusted applications)



Server exclusions for SQL Files as per Microsoft recommendations: should be used.


After Jim2 has been installed on the new server, the following steps are required to provide users access to the Jim2 Client.



Jim2 does not need to be installed on Client computers.


Share the Jim2 folder on the server, providing Everyone Read Access.


C:\Program Files (x86)\Happen Business\Jim2




Once the folder has been shared from the Client side, create a shortcut to the Jim2.exe contained within the Jim2 folder, and place it on the user's desktop.


Further information

Connecting to Jim2 Server

Back up and Restore Database

Change the Name of Your Database

Create Training Database

Database Maintenance

Import Email

Jim2 Server Console Authentication



Move Jim2 Database to a New Location

Move Jim2 to New SQL Instance on Same Server

Next Object #

Change Next Object Number


Remove an Old Database


Scheduled Backup


Set up eBusiness Supply

Update Your Licence