Share Utility Expenses with other Businesses

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In the general ledger, at header account for Electricity, add two sub accounts – Electricity Expense, and Electricity Income. The net result of these two sub accounts will report up to the header account with the total expense to the company.


electricity account


Set up a new Stock GL account via Tools > Setups > Stock GL Accounts:


set up stock gl group for shared utility


Create a new stock code – Electricity, and point the new stock code to the Electricity Income sub account set up as above.


Add the full electricity expense using the Expense Order function, and post the full account to the Electricity Expense sub account.


electricity expense po



Some letters in the field names within the header are underlined, eg. Vend#. Using Alt+ the underlined letter will jump to the field beside that heading.


Add a job and invoice the electricity to the other company.


Electricity job