Quote Status

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quote status


Status signals the need to perform an action within the workflow. The responsibility to perform that action can be monitored. A change of status by a user signals the need for a new action, then passes responsibility to perform that action along the workflow. Jim2 records time/date/initial data on status changes for productivity reports, and to keep a secure quality record for each quote.



Using quote statuses, monitor how successful quoting procedure or users perform in relation to accepted/rejected quotes. Keep track of sales/account managers' contact with customers, via the Comment grid.


Creating a quote list by Status will provide an accurate record of overall quote work in progress. By choosing specific search criteria for the quote list, monitor customer, user and stock trends (active and historic).


When a user changes the status of the quote, Jim2 will automatically prompt the user for a comment by placing a new line in the Comment grid of the quote.


The choice of statuses for particular points in the workflow can represent the need for an action to be taken (eg. if accepted, create a job). These decisions can be based on technical, financial or customer related issues and procedures known to staff. Choose that a status is used to signal the need for a decision to be made, and choose a status to be used to indicate which resolution was decided.


The following statuses are available to map workflow for quotes. Others may have been added in the Setup Defaults:





This signals that the quote has been accepted by the customer and a job can now be created from this quote. This is effectively the equivalent of Finish.


This is the default status applied to a quote when first added. All quotes begin with this status.


This signals that the quote has been cancelled.


This signals that the quote has been rejected by the customer.


This status signals that the quote has been sent to the customer for approval.



Edit or add statuses to match the company workflow, via Tools >Status. The statuses that are underlined cannot be edited or deleted, as they perform a specific function within the Jim2 application.


Further Information

Quotes Security

Quotes at a Glance

Quote Comment grid

Quote Footer

Quote Header

Quote list

Quote list Header

Quote Options

Quote Preview Pane

Quote Reports

Quote Status

Quote Stock Availability

Quote Stock Grid


How to

Add a Document to a Quote

Add a Quote

Add Stock to a Quote

Create a Job from a Quote

Create a Quote from a Previous or Similar Quote

Create a Template for Recurring Quotes

Create a quote list

Personalise Quotes

Print a Quote

Use comments to Track the Progress of a Quote

View or Edit a Quote