Labour type relates to your users, and the different types of labour that can be allocated to jobs. Although you may not necessarily charge a customer for each labour type, by setting up all your labour types to match your users you can report on the productivity and economic viability of processes correctly.
Actual labour can be used to produce accurate productivity figures showing individual or overall process improvement. If productivity is a key business indicator for your company, consider the setup of labour types carefully. Users should be encouraged to use the Actual Labour grid. You can then devise reports based on labour type to examine productivity and improvement issues for your processes. |
On the ribbon, go to Tools > Setups > Jobs > Labour Type.
You cannot edit or delete a labour type that is currently in use in the Jim2 database. Jim2 will perform a check for you and a warning message will pop up on your screen. |
Select the stock code (which needs to be set up prior to setting up labour type) you wish to use for each labour type that is billable.
Each user can be assigned a default labour type in their card file. As they add labour to an active job, it will use that default labour type to describe their input. There is the option for users to change the default (if required) via an ellipsis [...] in the Labour grid of jobs.
Further information: