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Navigation: Jim2 Functions > Jobs > Invoicing

Reprint an Invoice

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When Jim2 creates an invoice, you can print immediately or reprint at a later stage.


Job Options – Invoice allows you to set whether an invoice is automatically printed once created.


To print the invoice after it has been created, there are three methods:

1. Select Jobs in the ribbon.

Create a job list using the invoice number, customer, or alternate search criteria.

Double click on the job to open it.

Select the ellipsis [...] in the Invoice# field.

Select Preview, Email or whatever required.

reprint invoice2
2.Select Jobs in the ribbon

Select the Sales Register icon and run the list.

Search this list using any of the available search filters to find the invoice you want to print.

Right click on the invoice number and select Print Invoice#

sales register print invoice
3.Select Jobs in the ribbon, then select Sales Register.

Enter the invoice number.

Double click on the invoice or job in the resulting list and then, using the ellipsis [...] in the Invoice# field, print the invoice. This method is often more useful when reprinting an invoice relating to multiple jobs.

reprint invoice2


Reprint Multiple Invoices

Selecting the invoice report called x – Invoice From List (Multi) will allow you to print multiple invoices at a time. 


reprint multiple invoices


Choose either the original invoice layout that was used when the invoice was created or a different layout if required. You cannot preview the multiple invoice report – it will be sent directly to the printer.


print multi invoices



You cannot invoice from a live list.


Further information: