Meter Types

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Add basic meter types based on the following:

Meter Types



Tracks black pages. Supports standard, unders and overs billing.


Tracks colour pages. Supports standard, unders and overs billing.

Total (Linked)

Tracks colour pages by calculating the total number of pages, and subtracting the number of black pages. Supports standard, unders and overs billing.


Tracks scans. Supports standard, unders and overs billing.

Prepaid Pages

Allows pages or scans that are used to be paid for by prepaid pages. Also allows for prepaid pages to be bought in fixed bundles. Prepaid meters are different to other meters in that other meters try to catch up to the unlinked meter.

Base Charge

Applies a fixed dollar amount charge.

Min Charge

Ensures the specified customer is charged a minimum amount. This minimum amount excludes any base charges. Amounts billed to other cardfiles are ignored when calculating if the minimum charge applies.

Total Black (Calculated)

Virtual meter that is calculated using the total of all black meters. Supports standard, unders and overs billing. Uses A4 ratio to provide a weighting to each meter that makes up the total.

Total Colour (Calculated)

Virtual meter that is calculated using the total of all colour meters. Supports standard, unders and overs billing. Uses A4 ratio to provide a weighting to each meter that makes up the total.

Total (Calculated)

Virtual meter that is calculated using the totals of all meters. Supports standard, unders and overs billing. Uses A4 ratio to provide a weighting to each meter that makes up the total.

Third Party PO

Used to raise purchase order for costs associated with the contract. Supports standard, unders and overs billing.

Third Party PO Base

Used to raise purchase order for base charges associated with the contract.

Third Party PO Min

Used to raise purchase order for minimum charges associated with the contract. This minimum amount excludes any purchase order base charges. purchase order lines created for other vendors are ignored when calculating if the minimum purchase order charge applies.


This meter is used to balance to a specified fixed dollar amount. Balancing stock removes any differences between a calculated amount and a specified dollar amount.

Daily rate-based

Allows billing a daily rate. Ideally suited for short term rentals, etc. The billing of the Daily rate-based meter takes into account the contract start/end date, if set, and can be used alone or with any other meter combination.


For example:


Meter Type




Black copy click



Colour copy click






To use a Daily rate-based meter, a Non Depleting or Journal stock must be set up. Under the Contracts tab, the Meter Type needs to be set to Daily.

Base Rate meter

Base Rate meter allows a fixed quantity of charges per billing run. This is effectively the same as the Daily rate-based meter, but allows a quantity to be billed per billing run. The quantity billed can be also be entered if billed manually.


These meter types can be built upon as new scenarios arise.



Meter Types are driven by the Item, ie. Item must be selected as either Black or Colour.


Further information

Meter Overview

Meter Billing Reports

Meter Types

Meter Read Entry Period and Exclude Meter Reads Older Explanation

Meter Setup Fields

Meter Setup and Examples

Reverse Incorrect Meter Reads