Meter Types

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This area is where all meter types are set up, ie. black, colour, etc.






Meter Type Name

Enter the name for the meter type, ie. black for a black meter, colour for a colour meter, etc.

System Meter Type

Choose the appropriate system meter type from the dropdown list, ie. Black for Black, etc.


system meter type

Qty Dec Places

Up to 4 decimal places can be used in the quantity fields for meters.

Calculation Type

Only shows if Total Calculated is selected in the System Meter Type field. Calculations can be based on either the meter type or the stock code.



Toner Cartridges

It is not necessary to enter anything here but number of cartridges can be entered if desired, ie. 1 for black, 3 for colour.

A4 Ratio

This sets the ratio of the page based on the meter. For instance, it would normally be 1 for black and 2 for black A3 (because it is double the size), or 3 for colour, etc.

Toner Surplus

It is not necessary to enter anything here.


Further information


Contract Types

Stock Yield Types

Page Source