Add Meter Stock

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Please see Overview for an explanation of the use of stock.


On the ribbon, go to Stock > Add Stock.


Each stock code can only be used with a specified meter type. If that meter type supports Standard, Unders and Overs billing types, that code can only be used for the chosen meter and billing type.


What the stock can be used for is specified on the Contracts tab of the stock screen.




hmtoggle_arrow1Charge Type explained


hmtoggle_arrow1Example: add a new stock code for a black meter


Further information

Enable Contracts

General Ledger

Stock GL Groups

Job Types

Meter Types

Meter Types Setup

Meter Billing Stock

Managed Print Services

MPS Finance


EKM Option

EKM Setups


Contract Setups

Price Levels and Price Templates


Email Templates and Editor Rules

MPS Connectors Configuration


Toner Stock