Enable Contracts

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To enable Contracts in Jim2, on the ribbon, go to Tools > Options > Contract – the default name in Jim2.






Enable Projects

Turns Projects on.

I call Project

Project can be renamed to something more meaningful if desired, ie. Machine or Contract. Log off and back on again to allow the rename.

Set Billing Jobs to Ready

Takes a billing job straight to ready, speeding up the invoice process. However, this will bypass warnings based on the invoice stage or possible credit hold alerts.

In job display Projects during CardFile entry

The Create Project List screen can be automatically forced to display upon entering a job where the customer has a project. When this is ticked, while adding a job this will prompt to add the project to the job, based on the cardfile added in the Cust#, From# or Ship#. This is a great way to ensure project information is added correctly to jobs.

Prepaid reorder % (Used)

When buying prepaid blocks, set an automatic reorder level based on a percentage. For example, a prepaid block of 10,000 can have a reorder set to 90%. When the customer has only 1,000 remaining, an additional 10,000 block job will be generated.

Maximum Balancing Entry

If a balancing meter is present, Jim2 expects a job total to be submitted along with any meter counts. Jim2 calculates what to bill based on meter counts, and tests against the expected job total. If the difference is greater than the maximum balancing entry, Jim2 will not produce the job. Otherwise the balancing entry will be included to adjust the actual job total to the submitted job total.

Balance Total

Choose from Total Ex, Total Inc or Total Ex and Inc.

Bill Manual From List

Offers the choice to manually bill from a list. Choose from Ask User, Yes or No.

Display Default Stock (Legacy)

If ticked, the stock lines in the Default Stock tab show in projects. If not ticked, only the fault and invoice descriptions will display here if entered.

Meter Billing Calc Tax Total from

Choices are Default (what is set on the customer cardfile), tax paid down, or tax free up.

Dynamic Pricing Date

Choose either Period From Date or Bill Date.

Check unneeded credit by

Choose either By Job or By Invoice.

Default Variation Action

Choose the default variation action from the following:



Default Return For Credit Type

Choices are Credit, Exchange or Warranty.

Customer Return Group By

Select which method to group customer returns by:



Start Day for Arrears Only Variation

Either Last Billed Date or Next Bill Date.

Unfinished Customer/Vendor Return Option

Choose what to do on an unfinished return from Error, Apply Unders, Else Error or Apply.

1.Tick Enable Contracts (this assumes the licence key for Managed Print Services has been installed).

2.You can rename Contracts to something different if desired, so that all instances of the contract will be known by this name, and this will also appear in the ribbon.

contracts in ribbon

3.Set Billing Jobs to Ready will create meter billing jobs on a status of Ready for fast invoicing.


Be aware that this will bypass warnings at the invoice stage.

4.In job display Contracts during CardFile entry – if this is ticked, when entering a job manually, Jim2 will display the list of contracts when the cardfile is selected.

contract list

5.Prepaid Reorder will reorder additional prepaid copy blocks, according to this setting. For example, if pages are purchased in 10,000 copy blocks and this setting is 90%, when the customer has 1,000 copies remaining, an additional 10,000 copy block job will be generated.

6.Maximum Balancing Entry: if a balancing meter is present, Jim2 expects a job total to be submitted, along with any meter counts. Jim2 calculates what to bill based on meter counts, and tests against the expected job total. If the difference is greater than the maximum balancing entry entered here, Jim2 will not produce the job. Otherwise, the balancing entry will be included to adjust the actual job total to the submitted job total.

7.Balance Total allows for showing the balance ex, inc GST, or both.

8.Bill Manual from List: Choose from Yes, No, Ask User. Controls whether to manually bill from a contract list or not.

9.Display Default Stock (Legacy). The Default Stock tab can be displayed/hidden on an asset or a contract. Where no specific stock is found, the contract is configured to use the following three templates for the creation of applicable jobs by default:

MPS Onsite Auto-created Template

Consumable MPS Auto-created Template

Workshop MPS auto created template.

Ticking this box will display the Default Stock tab and allows you to add individual machine accessories specific to the Asset in the Stock grid in the Related Stock tab of an Asset.

10.Meter Billing Calc Tax Total from allows you to select from Tax Paid Up or Tax Paid Down. You can also select Default which

11.Dynamic Pricing Date allows you to choose Period From Date or Bill Date.

12.Check unneeded credit by allows you to choose By Invoice or By Job.

13.Default Variation Action offers the following choices:


14.Default Return For Credit Type

15.Customer Return Group By allows the choice of the following:


16.Start Date For Arrears Only Variation – Choose from Last Billed Date or Next Bill Date.

17.Unfinished Customer/Vendor Return Option allows you to specify what will happen: Jim2 will produce an error message, apply unders or produce error message, or apply.


18.Show copy to linked Asset


It is recommended to set up several test assets/contracts in the Training database first, and all options are fully explored prior to attempting the setup for all contracts and assets, as there are many advanced functions that cannot be changed once trading has commenced.


Further information

General Ledger

Stock GL Groups

Billing Stock

Contract Types

Email Templates and Editor Rules

Enable Contracts



Job Types



Meter Stock

Meter Types

MPS Connectors Configuration

Page Source

Price Levels and Templates



Stock Yield Types


Toner Stock