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Email Documents from Jim2 Mobile

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You are not able to email documents directly from jobs, quotes, etc.


There are two ways to email documents:

From Documents within Jim2 Mobile

From the photo library on the phone.


Following is the way to email documents directly from Documents in Jim2 Mobile. If you need to email a document from an object, the best approach is to screenshot the document, then you can add it as an image from within the object.


On the Home screen, select Documents.


'documents on home screen


Select and open the document you wish to email.


email document


Select the icon in the top right corner which will bring up an Email screen along with the document attached. You can then manually tag the document to a job, etc.


document attached


To email from your photo library, whilst in a job, select the arrow in the top right of screen, then select Send Related Email.


related email in mobile



Watchouts do not currently work with Jim2 Mobile.


Further information: