View CardFile Transactions

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Cardfiles provide a full 360o view of all interactions with that cardfile.


From the Transactions tab, access is available to all activities, such as jobs, purchases, quotes, sales register, stock, debtors/creditors (only outstanding issues will be shown in the debtors/creditors screens, ie. unallocated payments, invoices unpaid, etc.). These tabs will display all transactions for this cardfile. The initial view will show a list of transactions for the last 90 days. Right click on any of the lists and select Show All to show all transactions, regardless of date.




Example: view purchase order transactions

Open the vendor cardfile, and go to the Transactions tab, then to the Purchase tab.




Right click on the grid and select Show All.




All transactions against this vendor will appear here.




How to

Add a CardFile

Add a Prospect CardFile

Add Contact Details

Add Customer Details

Add/Update a User

Add Vendor Details

Add Documents to CardFiles

Add Groups to a CardFile

Add Multiple CardFiles

Add CardFiles to Groups

Add Customer-Specific Reports

Browse for a CardFile

Bulk Update CardFiles with BPAY Ref

CardFile Merging & Deleting

Create a CardFile List



Email from a CardFile List

Export a CardFile List

Export Email Contact Report

Import CardFiles

Make Prepayments/Refunds

Quick Add CardFile

Reassign Account Managers

Reassign Users

Deactivate a CardFile

Set up an Overseas Customer

Set up Contact Types

Use CardFile List Results

Update Multiple CardFiles

View or Edit a CardFile