Add Documents to CardFiles

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Add a document via drag and drop

To add a document to a cardfile, view the cardfile, then drag and drop the file (from the drive/network) directly onto it.


A document added in this way would normally be flagged as Hidden, meaning that it won't be displayed in a document list, unless the Show Hidden icon is selected.




Add a document from clipboard

Right click on the document and select copy.


With the cardfile in View or Edit mode, select the Add Document from Clipboard icon in the ribbon:





Once added, the document will be accessible via that cardfile’s Documents tab (in the footer). A number will be displayed on the tab to show the number of documents linked to the cardfile. That number will increase as more documents are added to the cardfile.


Add or link an existing document using the Documents tab

Manually add or link to an existing document directly from the cardfile Documents tab, as follows:

open the cardfile in Add or Edit mode

go to the Documents tab in the footer

select Add New, or Link Existing


select the document from the list.


See Add or Link Existing Document for more detailed information.


Unlink/delete a document from a cardfile

Unlink a document (ie. remove the link) or delete a document from a cardfile in this manner:

open the cardfile in Edit mode

go to the Documents tab

select the document from the grid

select Delete Document or Remove Link.



See Add or Link Existing Document for more detailed information.



Use caution if deleting a document as it may be linked to other objects aside from the one currently being viewed.


How to

Add a CardFile

Add a Prospect CardFile

Add Contact Details

Add Customer Details

Add/Update a User

Add Vendor Details

Add Groups to a CardFile

Add Multiple CardFiles

Add CardFiles to Groups

Add Customer-Specific Reports

Browse for a CardFile

Bulk Update CardFiles with BPAY Ref

CardFile Merging & Deleting

Create a CardFile List

Export a CardFile List



Email from a CardFile List

Export Email Contact Report

Import CardFiles

Make Prepayments/Refunds

Quick Add CardFile

Reassign Account Managers

Reassign Users

Remove a CardFile

Set up an Overseas Customer

Set up Contact Types

Use CardFile List Results

Update Multiple CardFiles

View CardFile Transactions

View or Edit a CardFile