CardFile Contact Types

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There are system cardfile contact types that are used to email or fax reports to the correct person. The main purpose of these contact types is to cater for large companies who have separate accounts payable and receivable departments, or handle cases where the invoices and statements go to different people.


Typical Report Usage

Contact Type Order of Use, First




Remittances, etc.

Email Creditors

Email Accounts

Email (primary contact)

Email (first found)

Statements, etc.

Email Debtors

Email Accounts

Email (primary contact)

Email (first found)


Email Invoices

Email Accounts

Email (primary contact)

Email (first found)

Purchase orders

Email Purchases

Email Accounts

Email (primary contact)

Email (first found)

Page counts

Email Photocopier (Machine Attention contact)

Email (Machine Attention contact)

Email Photocopier (first found)

Email Accounts (first found)

Unspecified reports

Email (primary contact)

Email (first found)


Nominate multiple email contacts for invoicing, statements, purchases, etc.

When emailing out, Jim2 will determine who should receive that email. For example, Email Invoices or Email Statements.


These email contact types can be added to multiple cardfile contacts, and the email will be sent to all those contacts.


For example: CardFile SAMPLE


Contact 1

John Smith

Email Invoice

Contact 2

Mary Brown

Email Invoice


Alternatively, select Email Invoice, then add both emails into the field beside this with a semi colon between., eg.


In both examples, invoices will be emailed to both John and Mary.


The following email types support this functionality:

Email Accounts

Email Creditors

Email Debtors

Email Invoices

Email Photocopier (Managed Print Services Edition)

Email Purchases.



An additional cardfile level setting allows to specify Email & Print on both invoices and statements. The available settings when generating an invoice or statement are:



Don’t Send

Email & Print.


This setting is on the Customer tab of the cardfile in the Send Statement via and Send Invoice via checkboxes.





Fax requires faxing software to be installed.


Other cardfile contact types can be created via Tools > Setups > CardFiles > Contact Types. The use of contact types can also be restricted to only those listed – this is performed via Tools > Options > CardFile.




Further information

CardFile Options

CardFile Setup

CardFile Security

CardFile Payment Terms

CardFile Price Levels

CardFiles at a Glance

CardFile Types

CardFile Header

CardFile Footer Tabs

CardFile Preview Pane

CardFile List

CardFile Reports


Time Sheets

Timers and Labour

Auto Postcode/Suburb Lookup


How to

Add a CardFile

Add a Prospect CardFile

Add Contact Details

Add Customer Details

Add/Update a User

Add Vendor Details

Add Documents to CardFiles

Add Groups to a CardFile

Add Multiple CardFiles

Add CardFiles to Groups

Add Customer-Specific Reports

Browse for a CardFile

Bulk Update CardFiles with BPAY Ref

CardFile Merging & Deleting

Create a CardFile List

Email from a CardFile List



Export a CardFile List

Export Email Contact Report

Import CardFiles

Make Prepayments/Refunds

Quick Add CardFile

Reassign Account Managers

Reassign Users

Deactivate a CardFile

Set up an Overseas Customer

Set up Contact Types

Use CardFile List Results

Update Multiple CardFiles

View CardFile Transactions

View or Edit a CardFile