As with payments, refund a customer (a prepayment or return) via CardFile > Payment > Refund on the ribbon.
The Select Prepayments/Returns to Refund form will appear, allowing selection of which payments to refund.
What is displayed differs depending on what is in view when clicking Refund as follows:
All prepayments related to that job.
Return from Customer
All credits related to that RFC.
All prepayments and RFC-related credits related to that cardfile.
The Payment By is taken into account when doing refunds via this method, as the refund will be processed via the linked unbanked funds general ledger account, and will appear in bank deposits as a negative figure. Only payment types flagged as Allow Negatives are available for refund. Refer to Tools > Setups > Banking > Payment Types.
Additionally, the refund payment type will always be the same as the payment type made at Prepayments. For example, if the customer originally paid by cash, the refund will be by cash.
More complex refunds will need to be processed via Debtors. For example, to refund by writing a cheque directly from a bank account.