Creditors Notes Tab

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The Notes within a Creditor tab contains a grid for recording relevant user comments on a creditor record. Because these comments form part of the record for each creditor, any additions by a user are automatically date/initial stamped for accuracy, and provide an excellent quality record of events.


Notes added to the creditor record will also appear on the Notes tab of the creditor cardfile, as that contains all information about the creditor.



Not all notes added to a creditor cardfile will appear on the creditor record, as not all notes on a cardfile relate to the creditor record.




The Follow Up field assists in the management of payments. Set a follow-up date and it will display in the Creditors list – once the date is reached (or passed) it will change to red. Click the ellipsis [...] at the end of the Follow Up field to open the note.


If a note has a follow-up date set, once the task being followed up has been completed, Completed should be ticked, otherwise the oldest follow-up date will continue to appear in the Creditors list whenever there is a balance on the creditor account.




Right click within the Notes grid and send the note (or all notes) via email.




Note: You can add as many notes as you wish, and the character limit of the Notes field is 2,147,483,645.





Add, edit or delete a note.

Send Note via Email

Send an individual note via email.

Send all Notes via Email

Send all notes via email.

Schedule Phone Call/Schedule Internal Meeting/Schedule External Meeting

Brings up the New Schedule Task screen where details can be entered about scheduling a call/meeting.

Export Data

Exports all the information relating to the notes.

Print/Print Preview

Self explanatory.

Copy/Copy All/Copy Row

Allows copying and pasting into another program, ie. a spreadsheet, Word, etc.


Further information

Central Billing in Creditors

Creditors Allocate Payments Grid


Creditors Form

Creditors List

Creditors Documents Tab

Creditors Opening Balances

Creditors Payments Tab

Creditors Reports


How to

Apply a Credit/Prepayment

Cancel a Payment/Cheque

Clear Small Creditor Balances

Create a Creditor Refund

Creditors Adjustments Up and Down

Discounts and Account Fee Entries

Enter a Credit

Enter a Payment

Enter a Prepayment

Enter Credit Card Charge

Enter Creditors Opening Balances



Manage Payment Returned from Bank

Print a Creditors Report

Record Commission from Vendor

Return to Vendor Entries

Reversal Entries

Reverse Discounts and Account Fees

Send a Remittance Advice

Show Invoices Due

Unallocate a Payment