Creditors List

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To edit (ie. add payments), view or report on a creditor or a group of creditors, filter the available creditors using the Creditors list.


To access the Creditors list select the Creditors icon in either one of these ways:

on the ribbon, go to Accounts > Creditors

in the Nav Tree, right click on Accounts and select Creditors.




Hyperlinked fields

Some fields provide hyperlink access to view associated information. Hovering the cursor over the wording to the left of the field will display the label name in blue if it is hyperlinked. Click on the label and select the option to View. Vend# – will open the cardfile of the code entered here.





Vendor's card code.

As of

Enter a specific as of date, if desired.


Produce a list based on terms of payment, eg. COD, Net 7 days, etc.

Date Due>

Date due is after the date entered here.

Date Due<

Date due is before the date entered here.


Select any cardfile groups for filtering.


Contact name from the cardfile.


The vendor's name.

Aged By

Choices are: by Invoice Date or by Due Date.


The list can also display all vendors, regardless of whether they have a balance or not. This is great for sending out newsletters, and increasing sales. To use this feature, select All Creditors and click Run.





Jim2 includes a hyperlink from the vendor's cardfile straight to their creditor record – this hyperlink can be accessed by hovering over the Vend# link in a purchase order, then choosing View Creditor.




When finishing a purchase order, Jim2 also provides access to the current creditor's balance.


Sorting, searching and grouping are available as per other lists in Jim2. Select the column header in the grid, then drag it to the Group By area to group.




Use this list to locate a certain vendor or group of vendors by using the filters in the top section of the form.


Balance Filter





In the drop down list choose from one of the six options here:

Balance <> 0

Creditors with a balance greater or less than 0.

Balance > 0

Creditors with a balance greater than 0.

Balance < 0

Creditors with a balance less than 0.


Creditors with unallocated credits, ie. credits not applied to invoices.

All Creditors

View all creditors, whether they are owed money or not.


Creditors with overdue invoices not yet paid.

Balance 1 Month checkbox

Select creditors who are still owed after 30 days but less than 60 days.

Balance 2 Months checkbox

Select creditors who are still owed after 60 days but less than 90 days.

Balance 3 Months + checkbox

Select creditors who are still owed after 90 days or more.


Grid result groups


Not all columns are showing here


Any vendors who are marked as inactive in their cardfile will be displayed in this list with the text in a grey colour (ie. greyed-out).


hmtoggle_arrow1Creditors list colours


Fields in the list:





The vendor's card code.


The vendor's name.


The vendor's total balance.


The current balance.

1 Month        

The 30 days balance.

2 Months

The 60 days balance.

3 Months +

The 90 days and over balance.

Follow Up

The follow-up date of any notes that may have been entered for this creditor.


The trading terms for each listed vendor.

Credit Limit

This field displays any credit limit imposed by the vendor, if set up in the vendor's cardfile. This will display in red if the limit has been exceeded.


Boxes in this column are automatically ticked by Jim2 if there are any overdue invoices.

Amount Overdue

Any overdue amount appears in this column.

Branch/SubBranch/GL Dept

These columns only appear if Branches are in use.



For those creditors listed, the Total column will show any unallocated credits (shown in green text within the list). Also, the bottom of the list shows the total $ amount for several columns of the list.


If user security allows it, right click within the list grid, select Export Data and save the list information as an XLSX file.




Right Click Option



View the highlighted object.


This will bring up the Creditor in Edit mode.

View CardFile

View the highlighted cardfile.

Export Data

Exports data from the grid to a spreadsheet file.


Print the list.

Print Preview

Preview how the list will be printed. Within this area you can change the orientation of the page. For instance, if there are more columns than will fit on a portrait page, change it to landscape.

Copy Cell

Copy the highlighted cell.

Copy Row

Copy the entire highlighted row.

Copy All

Copy all, which can then be pasted into a spreadsheet

Show Find panel

Opens the Find panel:





The Find panel will remain in a pinned list but will disappear from an unpinned list on log off.

Grid Columns...

Allows adding more columns. Also allows removal of columns. Select the column to add, then drag it to the position required in the columns within the grid. To remove, click and drag to the Grid Columns... window, or drag down away from the header area.


There are a number of other useful right click options, all self explanatory. Grid Columns... allows to add further columns to the grid.


Further information

Central Billing in Creditors

Creditors Allocate Payments Grid

Creditor Form

Creditors Payments Tab

Creditors Documents Tab

Creditors Notes Tab

Creditors Opening Balances

Creditors Reports

Apply a Credit/Prepayment

Cancel a Payment/Cheque

Clear Small Creditor Balances

Create a Creditor Refund

Creditors Adjustments Up and Down

Enter a Credit

Enter a Payment

Enter a Prepayment

Discounts and Account Fee entries

Manage Payment Returned from Bank

Reversal Entries

Reverse Discounts and Account Fees

Send a Remittance Advice

Show Invoices Due

Unallocate a Payment