GST Session FAQ

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hmtoggle_arrow1Changes after you have saved a GST session


hmtoggle_arrow1If on accrual GST and the GST figures in the GST session do not agree with the balance sheet GST liability account balances


hmtoggle_arrow1If the payroll figures do not agree with the figures reporting into W1 and W2 in the GST session


hmtoggle_arrow1Calculating the PAYG instalment income tax amount payable


hmtoggle_arrow1Updating liability accounts when there is an instalment payment plan with the ATO



For further assistance with completing a GST Session, contact the support team at Happen Business on 02 9570 4696, or


Further information

Fuel Tax Credits

GST Reports

GST Sessions and the BAS

GST Session By Tax Tab

GST Session PAYG Tab

GST Sessions Purchases Tab

GST Session Sales Tab

GST Session Worksheet Tab

IAS Monthly PAYG Lodgement

Initial GST Session


How to

Change GST Reporting from Cash to Accrual

Complete a GST Session: Accrual Method

Complete a GST Session: Cash Method

Complete an NZ GST Session

Handle NZ GST in Aust Database

Record Deferred GST on Imports

Record Your BAS Payment/Refund to the ATO

Delete a GST Session