Debtors Auto Credit Hold

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Auto Credit Hold is a great feature in Jim2 that will put debtors on credit hold (by way of a warning that will pop to screen) if they have invoices that are overdue by a certain number of days, and/or they exceed their credit limit.


In other words, Auto Credit Hold will kick in for debtors if:

they have invoices that are overdue by a certain number of days

they exceed their credit limit

all invoices or jobs for a customer add up to more than their credit limit

the customer is under their limit, however they are late paying an invoice.


If set up to do so, Jim2 will automatically warn users that there is a hold on the account for any of the above reasons.


This section outlines how to set up and use this feature. There are also cardfile levels of auto hold or manual on/off hold that need to be set up (see below).


Set up auto credit hold

To use Auto Credit Hold, it must first be enabled in Options.


On the ribbon, go to Tools > Options > Accounts.


Tick Enable automatic daily credit hold check and, in the When outside terms by (days) field, enter the grace period. The default is zero.



If you turn off this setting, please be aware that it does not change what is set on customer cardfiles, meaning you will continue to receive these warnings. You will need to edit each customer cardfile and change the setting to reflect what is actually required.





When changing these options, and at the start of each day, Jim2 will automatically check each debtor and flag them as on auto credit hold, based on the settings here.


Adjust a customer’s credit hold status

By default, all customers are set to Auto Off credit hold. After setting the credit hold options as above, credit hold checking is then enabled.


To change a customer's credit hold setting, edit their cardfile and set their credit hold status on the Customer tab (bottom left of the form) as follows:




Credit Hold


Off (Auto)

The customer is currently not on credit hold. This is the default setting. If overdue they will be automatically put on credit hold ON (Auto).

On (Auto)

The customer has been placed on automatic credit hold. They will return to OFF (Auto) when payment is made.

Off (Manual)

The customer is off credit hold but is not affected by auto credit hold checking.

On (Manual)

The customer is on credit hold but is not affected by auto credit hold checking.


ON Auto Credit Hold kicks in when:

the due date on an invoice plus Options grace period is greater than today



credit limit is exceeded and customer is not on manual on/off.


Manual Credit Hold settings exclude customers from automatic credit hold checks. For example, place a customer on ON (Manual) if currently in dispute with them, or if they are in receivership, etc.



ON (Manual) effectively locks the customer, meaning a warning will appear when trying to enter a job.




Click Yes to continue adding the job if appropriate.


A good customer, or a customer who always pays but not within the correct terms, can be placed on OFF (Manual) credit hold status.


What happens when I receive payments?

When a payment is received and applied to invoices, Jim2 will automatically check the debtor and update their auto credit hold status as required.


How do I know who is on auto hold?

By running a Debtors list, it is easy to check which debtors are on credit hold. The Debtors list allows filtering by Credit Hold.


From the Debtors list, select which type of credit hold, then click Run.




Credit Hold Filter


Off (Auto)

Debtors who are off auto credit hold

On (Auto)

Debtors who are on auto credit hold

Off (Manual)

Debtors who are off manual credit hold

On (Manual)

Debtors who are on manual credit hold


Debtors who are on either auto or manual credit hold


Debtors who are off either auto or manual credit hold


All debtors regardless of their credit hold status (the default)


Customers on credit hold of any type will show in red text in the Debtors list.




Further information

Debtors Adjustments Up and Down

Debtors Allocate Payments Grid

Debtor Form

Debtors List

Debtors Documents Tab

Debtors Notes Tab

Debtors Opening Balances

Debtors Payments Tab

Debtors Statement Printing

Debtor Management

Debtors Reports


How to

Apply a Credit/Prepayment

Clear a Credit from a Debtor

Clear Small Debtor Balances

Create a Debtor Refund

Dealing with Dishonoured Cheques

Enter a Credit

Enter a Credit Payment

Enter a Payment


Enter a Prepayment

Enter Debtors Opening Balances

Enter Discounts and Account Fees

Issue a Credit Note

Manage Debtor Payments including Commission

Move Unknown Payments to Correct Customer

Reversal Entries


Reverse Discounts and Account Fees

Reverse or Delete a Payment

Send Payment Receipts

Unallocate a Payment

Undo Incorrect Refund