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Jim2® Business Engine Help File

create backorder

1.When receiving stock from a vendor, and the quantity supplied is lower than the quantity ordered, Jim2 will prompt as follows:

First, Jim2 will point out that some stock has a received quantity of 0 and ask if you would like to fix this.

Second, Jim2 will prompt to create a back order.

Select Yes to create a back order. Jim2 will create the back order (another purchase order), showing the same information as the original purchase order except that it blanks out the vendor invoice number and also adds the original purchase order number to the Orig.PO field. View the original purchase order by selecting the ellipsis [...] within this field. Any of the fields within this purchase order can be changed, as well as adding or removing any stock lines.


If stock is linked to a job but not received, the link will flow through to the new back order purchase order.

If you select No, you cannot create a back order from the PO automatically any more.

If No is selected accidentally, just Create Similar on this PO and remove the stock with received quantities.

Further information:

Purchases Security

Expenses at a Glance

Purchases at a Glance

Add a Negative Expense Order

Add a Purchase Order

Add an Amount to a PO when Finished at $0

Add an Expense Order

Add Comments to a Purchase Order

Add Stock to a Purchase Order

Auto Create a Purchase Order

Create a PO from a Similar or Previous PO

Create a Purchase Order List

Debtors Purchase Orders

Employee Reimbursements



Enter Serial Numbers

Expense Order Stock Grid

Expenses Tab on POs

Fix Incorrect Pricing after PO on Finished Status

How does Cost of Goods work

Link Expenses to a Purchase Order

Manufacturing Purchase Orders

Opening Balance Purchase Order

Print a Purchase/Expense Order

Purchase an Asset Under Finance

Purchase Consignment Stock

Purchase List Header

Purchase Order List

Purchase Order Reports


Purchase Order Stock Grid

Purchase/Expense Comment Grid

Purchase/Expense Order Footer

Purchase/Expense Order Header

Purchases/Expenses Status

Purchases/Expenses Tabs

Receive Consignment Stock

Receive Stock

Record One Invoice number on Multiple Purchase Orders

Record Overseas Purchases, GST and Import Costs

Return to Vendor

Round up Supplier Invoices

Unprint Purchase/Expense

View or Edit a Purchase/Expense