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Jim2® Business Engine Help File

There may be times where you find that a word has been added to the Jim2 dictionary which is incorrectly spelt, or you simply no longer want to use it.


Within an email where the word appears, select ABC Spelling.


abc spelling


Select the Options tab and select Edit Custom Dictionary.


edit dictionary


edit custom dict


This is will bring up the list of all custom words that have been added. You can simply change, delete or add words (by scrolling to the bottom of the list) in this area.



All changes made will be updated for all users.


Further information:


Add Folders and Tags

Attach Documents to Email

Bulk Email from a List

Compose and Send Emails

Create a Default Email Template

Create a Job, PO or Quote from an Email

Create a Link Within an Email

Create an Email Archiving Rule

Create an Email List

Create an Email Template

Delete an Incorrect Email Address

Delete Multiple Emails

Email from CardFile List

Email to Multiple Contacts

Email Options


Find Missing Emails in Jim2

Link an Email to a Job, Purchase Order or Quote

Manually Move and Tag Emails

Restore Archived Emails

Send and Receive Emails

Set up and use Gmail in Jim2

Set up and use Random Email Templates

Set up Email Account

Set up Email Tag

Set up Email Folder

Set up Email Rule

Set up Email Security

Set up Incoming Emails

Set up Outgoing Emails

Use Email Templates

Use Office 365 with Jim2 Email