- . -
- 1 -
- 2 -
- 3 -
3 Tier Colour Coverage Billing Examples
3rd party debtor finance factoring procedure
- 4 -
4 decimal places in business analysis
- A -
Access and Save Files from Jim2Cloud
Account inquiry for all accounts
Accountant adjustments for EOFY
Accounts affected by purchase orders
Add a multilevel manufacturing Job
Add a return from customer against multiple jobs
Add a return to vendor against a different vendor
Add a return to vendor against multiple POs
Add an amount to a PO when finished at $0
Add attachments to invoice email
Add comments to a purchase/expense order
Add Freight to a Purchase Order
Add labour to a manufacturing job
Add opening balances in general ledger
Add or Remove a Child from a Master
Add restocking fee on return to vendor
Add stock to a manufacturing Item
Add stock to a return to vendor
Add stock to a sales or serviceItem
Add stock to job when insufficient stock
Add vendor details to cardfile
Adjust transactions in finalised bank reconciliation
Advanced Warehouse Management Concepts
All stock showing in list when location entered
an't post to Current Year arning
Apply a credit payment when invoicing
Assign nob number to manufacturing PO
Attaching other documents to invoice email
Auto create a purchase order from a job
Auto create purchase orders from jobs
Automatically calculated accounts
Automatically tag incoming email to job
- B -
Backdated aged payables report
Backdated aged receivables report
Backfill Stock Sold In Advance
Background Colours on Templates
Bank reconciliation details grid
Banks Supported for Bank Feeds
Batch Enter Meter Read in List
Bill Using Prepaid Blocks Example
Billing in Managed Print Services Edition
Billing No Read when other charges apply
Billing Stock Setup for Managed Print Services
Billing Using Expiring Prepaid Blocks Example
Black A3 and Black A4 Minimum Volume Over the Two Meters Example
Black A3 and Separate A4 Meter Example
Blue lines in stock adjustment
Bold job with no unread emails
Bulk link document to stock report
Bulk link documents to stock in Jim2
Business analysis - 4 decimal places
Business Analysis Multicompany
Business Analysis Multicurrency
Buy/Sell in Different Measures
- C -
Cannot Sync Outlook in Jim2Cloud
Cannot unprint manufacturing PO
Can't change general ledger account
Cardfile - add customer details
Cardfile - customer-specific reports
Cardfile - prepayments/refunds
Cardfile export email contacts
Cash flow contributing sources
Change bank details on invoice
Change default email address for user
Change due date at time of invoicing
Change payment terms on invoice
Change Procurement on List of Stock
Change the Name of Your Database
Charge customer a restocking fee
Checklist for Updating Vendor Feeds
Cheque - write from unbanked funds
Clear historical balancing account
Clear transactions in finished bank rec
Close Financial Year Multicompany
Commission Sessions Multicompany
Commission values and calculations
Compare Stock Valuation Reports
Create a fefault email template
Create a job from a similar or previous job
Create a job, PO or quote from an email
Create a PO from a similar or previous PO
Create a quote from a previous or similar quote
Create a template for recurring jobs
Create a template for recurring quotes
Create an email archiving rule
Create multiple jobs from a quote
Create recurring general journal
Create Recurring Managed Service Jobs
Create similar general journal
Credit card surcharge management
Credit for freight charged on finished PO
Credit for overcharged invoice
Credit stock bought prior to Jim2
Creditor credit/prepayment - apply
Creditor opening balance import
Creditors - cancel or delete cheque
Creditors - clear small creditor balances
Creditors - enter a prepayment
Creditors - issue remittance advice
Creditors - reverse account fees and discounts
Creditors - unallocate payment
Creditors account fees and discounts
Creditors allocate payments grid
Creditors apply credit/prepayment
Creditors opening balances entry
Cross Sell and related products
Current year earnings accounts
Customer Details Multicurrency
Customers on Credit Hold Reports
- D -
Debtors - apply credit/prepayment
Debtors - clear small debtor balances
Debtors - discount/account fee reversal
Debtors - reverse/delete payment
Debtors - undo incorrect refund
Debtors allocate payments grid
Debtors discount/account fee entry
Debtors List Aging Calculations
Debtors Report by Invoice Date
Default Stock Tab in MachineFooter
Delete an incorrect email address
Delete debtors opening balance
Deposit funds into bank account
Detailed general ledger report
Diagnosing incoming email issues
Diagnosing outbound email issues
Difference between control and detail dccounts
Difference between Effective and Meter Read
Direct debit electronic payments
Discount on Gift Card/Certificate
Drag and Drop Document Doesn't Work in Jim2Cloud
Duplicate email doesn't appear
- E -
eBusiness - customer stock feed setupo
eBusiness - publish price to options
eBusiness - vendor stock feeds
eBusiness Service Installation
Configure Consumables Management
Deploy remote install template
Install and Initiate a DCA Monitor
Electronic payments - batch invoicing
Electronic payments cardfile setup
Electronic payments direct debit
Electronic payments direct debit setup
Electronic payments general ledger setup
Electronic payments session creation
Electronic Purchase Orders Setup
Email - create job, PO or quote
Email - delete incorrect address
Email - diagnose incoming issues
Email - diagnose outbound issues
Email archive rules - conditions
Email archive rules - execution order
Email archive rules application
Email archive rules by object and by report
Email not showing in comment grid
Email rule - using and testing regular expressions
Email rule conditions overview
Email rules - projects support
Email Rules to Process MPS Connector
Email template - create default
Email Templates and Editor Rules for Managed Print Services
Embroidery setup for Jim2Commerce
Enable Projects for Managed Services
End of financial year checklist
End of financial year checklist NZ
Enter a debtor adjustment down
Enter creditors opening balances
Enter debtors opening balances
Enter invoices from Ssuppliers
Enter Meter Read as Batch Working Down the List
Enter Meter Read Individually on Each Machine
Enter serial numbers on purchase
Entering Cheques in Multicurrency
Error opening Microsoft documents
Example Implementation Templates
Example of a variation for prints or cost per copy
Example Usage of Promotional Pricing
Examples of Promotional Pricing
Expenses - add a negative expense order
Expenses tab on purchase order
Explanation of colours on jobs
Explanation of Meter Read Entry Period and Exclude Meter Reads Older
Export a general ledger report
Export contacts and email addresses
Export labour hours from a job
- F -
Factori a procedure for 3rd party debtor finance
Failed Direct Debit in Electronic Payments
Filter purchase order comments
Find a mobile number in a list
Find a previous bank reconciliation
Finish a Multicurrency Purchase or Expense Order
Fix incorrect pricing after PO is finished
Fix payment from incorrect bank account
Full Jim2 Client Access for Android
- G -
General journal - delete/reverse
General ledger - change account type
General Ledger account can't be changed
General Ledger linked accounts
General ledger opening balances
General Ledger Setup for Managed Print Services
General ledger transaction reports
Generate a Backdated Detailed Stock on Hand Report
Generate Jobs Using Project Templates
Give a customer a permanent discount
Global variable to post into future periods
GST - changing from accrual to cash
- H -
Handle a credit for freight charged
Handle NZ GST in Australian database
Handle stock returned on a debtors PO
How to set up Jim2Cloud and Access for MAC
Hyperlinked fields on job header
- I -
Import Files from Your Computer into Jim2Cloud
Import Items for Managed Print Services
Import Multiple Stock Lines to a Job
Import stock from a spreadsheet to a purchase order
Include labour in cost when manufacturing
Include Reserved Stock in Stocktake
Intercompany stock availability
Invoice - enter/change bank details
Invoice - receive payments when invoicing
Invoice a single line item on a job
Invoice COD without taking payment
Invoice deposits from customers
Invoice with different payment terms
Invoiced Job in Machine Footer
Invoices due on a certain date
Item - add stock to a manufacturing Item
Items Import for Managed Print Services
- J -
Jef Website Management Overview
Jes Administration and Management
Jim2 Cloud Setup via Windows App
Jim2 Configuration Manager Tasks
Jim2 eBusiness Service Installatin
Jim2 eBusiness Service Overview
Jim2 Server Console Authentication
Jim2 Server Console Scheduled Backup
Jim2 Server Service Does not Start
Jim2 Setup Wizard for Blank Database
Jim2.Cloud Technical Requirements
Jim2Cloud Setup and Access for MAC
Jim2Cloud Setup and Access for PC
Jim2Cloud Tyro EFTPOS Integration
Job - add stock by multi selection
Job - add stock when insufficient stock
Job - apply credit when invoicing
Job - credit an overcharged customer
Job - invoice a single line item
Job - invoice COD without payment
Job - receive payments when invoicing
Job - single/multilevel manufacturing
Job - unprint and reverse invoice
Job - use comments to track work
Job Generation Using Project Templates
Job Profit Report Setup Requirements
Jobs - autocreate purchase orders
Jobs - create template for recurring jobs
Jobs - delete dispatch session
Journal stock for progress claims
- K -
Kitting v Packaging v Manufacturing
- L -
Leading zero disappears on import
Link a Job to a Purchase Order
Link an email to a job, PO or quote
Link Document to On Premise Document
Link expenses to a purchase order
Linked general ledger accounts
Load stock to a PO from a spreadsheet
- M -
Machine Billing Exact Amount Using a Balancing Meter Example
Machine Serviced by 3rd Party Example
Machine Serviced by 3rd Party with Base Charge Example
Machine Serviced by 3rd Party with Minimum Charge Example
Machine Serviced byThird Party with Min Vol Charge Example
Machine Templates for Managed Print Services
Machine with Total Meter Example
Make Progress Payments on Purchase Orders
Managed Print Services Edition
Managed Print Services Job Types Setup
Managed Print Services Merge Templates
Managed Print Services Operation
Managed Services Project Options
Manually Import Vendor Pricing
Manually Link a Job to a Purchase Order
Manufacturing - autocreate manufacturing job/PO
Manufacturing - include labour in cost
Manufacturing - multilevel setup
Merge Templates Managed Print Services
Meter Billing Purchase Order Creation Rules
Meter Read Entry Period and Exclude Meter Reads Older explanation
Meter Read v Effective Meter Read
Meter Setup Tab in Machine Footer
Minimum Dollar Amount for Black Only Example
Minimum Quantity Stock Procurement
Minimum Volume for Black Example
Move Database to a New Location
Move Jim2 to a New SQL Instance on the Same Server
Move money from one account to another
Move payments from one debtor to another
Move Stock from Depleting to Asset
Move stock to another template
Multicompany Business Analysis
Multicurrency Bank Reconciliation
Multicurrency Business Analysis
Multicurrency Calculated Exchange Rate
Multicurrency Customer Details
Multicurrency Entering Cheques
Multicurrency Finishing Purchase or Expense Order
Multicurrency Purchase Order List
Multicurrency Return to Vendor
Multicurrency Revaluation Session
Multicurrency Reversing Previous Revaluation Session
Multicurrency Stock Landed Cost
Multicurrency Transaction Journal
Multicurrency Transferring Funds
Multilevel manufacturing labour costs
Multilevel manufacturing setup
Multimedia Technology Feed Setup
- N -
Negative expense PO for freight credit
- O -
Open Balance Tab in Machine Footer
Opening balance purchase order
Order of Processing Promotional Pricing
Outside current financial year
Overview Jef Website Management
- P -
Pay commission to a contractor
Payment to incorrect bank account
Portal Multiple Product Categories
Portal Product Gender and Colour Distinctions
Portal Product Non Report Groups
Portal Product Stock Group Management
Post journals to reconciled BAS period
Price Levels and Templates Setup for Managed Print Services
Print a purchase or expense order
Procedure for factoring with 3rd party debtor finance
Process MPS Connector Using Email Rules
Process payment on proforma invoice
Processing eBusiness transactions
Product Gender and Colour Distinctions
Product Specification Attributes
Product Stock Group Management
Progress Payments on Purchase Orders
Project Job Implementation Templates
Project Template Creation Example
Promotional Pricing Example Usage
Promotional Pricing List Header
Promotional Pricing on Projects
Promotional Pricing Order of Processing
Promotional pricing tab on job
Publish price to options in eBusiness
Purchase - create from similar or previous
Purchase - fix incorrect pricing on finished PO
Purchase - handle stock returned on debtors PO
Purchase - record one invoice on multiple POs
Purchase a capital asset under finance
Purchase order - add an amount to a PO finished at $0
Purchase order list - export data
Purchase Order List Multicurrency
Purchase orders - multilevel manufacturing
Purchases - add a backorder PO
Purchases - record GST and import costs
- Q -
Quote - linked jobs/quotes tab
Quote - use comments to track progress
Quotes - create a template for recurring quotes
Quotes - create from previous/similar
- R -
Receive payments when invoicing
Record commission payment from vendor
Record Debtor Payments via Till
Record GST deferred on imports
Record one invoice number on multiple purchase orders
Record overseas purchases, GST and import costs
Record superannuation salary sacrifice
Refurbish Machines Using Purchased Special Stock and Manufacturing Process
Related Stock Tab in Machine Footer
Remove a Payment from Electronic Payments
Remove email address from dropdown list
Remove Logon Panel from Meter Reads Page
Remove reserved stock from a job
Report Prepaid Labour in Managed Services
Reports in transaction journal
Reprint invoice for a certain date
Request Meter Read by Text Email
Resolvie Variance in Creditors List Total and Trade Creditors GL Account
Restocking fees on return to vendor
Restore Accounts Database Only
Restore Training Database from Live Database
Return a Package from a Customer
Return from customer - unprint
Return from customer - view/edit
Return from customer against multiple jobs
Return From Customer Form Buttons
Return from customer from previous system
Return from customer stock grid
Return to vendor - add against different vendor
Return to vendor - add against multiple POs
Return to vendor - add restocking fee
Return to Vendor for Stock Purchased prior to Jim2
Return to Vendor Multicurrency
Reuse cancelled invoice number
Revaluation Session Multicurrency
Reversing Previous Multicurrency Revaluation Session
Right click options in cardfiles
Right click options in job list
Right click options in lItem list
Rounding off supplier invoices
RTV - add against different vendor
Run MPS Connector Feed Against Email
Run simultaneous copies of Jim2
- S -
Scheduling - resources dropdown ist
Scheduling broup by dropdown list
Scheduling crouping and filters
Security for Invoicing Retail Jobs
Security on Electronic Payments
Security on return from customer
See all Templates That Have Been Created
See Stock Costs in a Dynamic Kit
Select databases during upgrade
Select serial numbers on a job
Selling price levels and movement
Send multiple invoices in one email
Send multiple invoices to an email address
Service and Finance Split Billed as Single Amount Example
Service Level Agreement Templates
Set up a Machine with Price Break Point
Set up a Managed Services Contract
Set up a monthly consign buy PO
Set up a Printer for Jim2Cloud
Set up Actions for Managed Print Services
Set up Advanced Warehouse Management
Set up and use random email templates
Set up and use Text Email Request
Set up and Use Web Meter Reads
Set up ATO Reportable Sub-contractor Payments
Set up Billing NZ Invoices to Handle Billing NZ GST
Set up Billing Stock for Managed Print Services
Set up Cloud for Android Devices
Set up Cloud Services for Mobile
Set up Consumable Coverage on 3 Tier Billing Stock
Set up electronic payments cardfile
Set up electronic payments direct debit
Set up electronic payments in general ledger
Set up email archive configuraition
Set up Email Template and Editor Rules
Set up General Ledger for Managed Print Services
Set up Jes with Jim2 Config Manager
Set up Jim2 Mobile for Android
Set up Jim2 Mobile for Jim2Cloud
Set up Job Types for Managed Print Services
Set up Konica Electronic Orders
Set Up Master or Standalone with Free Pages
Set Up Master or Standalone with Prepaid Pages
Set Up Master with Meters with Different Periodicities
Set Up Master with Multiple black A3 and A4 Meter and Min Vol
Set Up Master with Multiple Child Machines
Set Up Master with Multiple Children and Minimum Volume
Set Up Master with Multiple Children Different Black Rate
Set up multilevel manufacturing
Set up Multimedia Technology Feed
Set up Price Levels and Templates for Managed Print Services
Set up Ricoh Electronic Orders
Set up Stock for Managed Print Services
Set up Stock GL Groups for Managed Print Services
Set up virtual products for Jim2Commerce
Set up Windows App for Jim2 Cloud
Setup Requirements for Job Profit Report
Share Utility Expenses with Other Businesses
Shift Allowance - Rate Multiplier
Ship Address not Updating on Machine
Show customer name in job list
Specify Temp Folder for Backups
Start and End Dates in Promotions
Stock availability allocation process by list
Stock availability by loation on the fly
Stock GL Groups Setup for Managed Print Services
Stock Grid on Stock Adjustment
Stock List Grid in Stock Procurement
Stock Procurement Location Synchronisation
Stock Procurement Minimum Quantity
Stock Procurement Stock List Grid
Stock Setup for Managed Print Services
Stock Vendor Pricing Synchronisation
Stop Logon Panel from Showing on Meter Reads Page
Stop scroll bars from disappearing
Submit Orders by Saving to File
Suggested end of month procedures
Superanuation salary sacrifice recording
- T -
Tag incoming email to job automatically
Tagging email to multiple accounts
Taking a Payment Against a Job
Tax Codes for Stock Buy and Sell
Technical Requirements for Jim2.Cloud
Temp Creditors POs on Received
Template Rules and Action Wizard
Templates Tab in Machine Footer
Time sheets - edit/delete entry
Trading over 2 consecutive financial years
Transaction Journal Multicurrency
Transfer from home account to overseas account
Transfer from one bank account to another
Transfer from one debtor to another
Transfer funds between companies
Transfer Stock via Stock Procurement
Transfer unbanked funds to cheque account
Transferring Funds Multicurrency
Trouble opening Office documents
Tyro EFTPOS Integration in Jim2Cloud
- U -
Understanding debits and credits
Unprint invoice and reverse payment
Update cardfiles with BPAY ref
Updating Vendor Feeds Checklist
Use comments to track the progress of a quote
Use comments to track work in a job
Use debtors and creditors adjustments
Use Jim2 Config Manager to set up Jes
Use Jim2 Setup Wizard for Blank Database
Use Office 365 with Jim2 Email
Use Template Merge Functionality
Use the Template Rules and Action Wizard
User initials cannot be changed
Using regular expressions in email rules
- V -
Values between < > indicate system default is used
Vendor commission payment recording
View available stock by location on the fly
View On Premise Document in Cloud
View or edit a purchase/expense
View or edit a return to vendor
View recent entries for previous periods
View, print or export a dispatch session
- W -
What is Included in Stocktake Session
What to do if Backup Drive is Full
Where do Debtor POs show in Jim2
Workstation Using Old Version of SQL
Write a cheque from unbanked funds
Write off Stock Credited by Supplier
- X -
- Y -
Yellow exclamation sign in email list
- Z -